\n \n {{ checkout.discount_code }} (-${{ checkout.applied_discount.amount }})\n \n \n
\n0\">\n \n **** {{ gift.last_characters }} \n \n
\n\n Items subtotal: ${{ checkout.subtotal_price | monetize }}\n
\n\n Shipping & handling:\n {{\n shippingLinePrice()\n }}Calculated at next step\n
\n\n Product taxes: ${{ checkout.total_tax | monetize }}\n
\n\n Gift card: **** {{ gift.last_characters.toUpperCase() }}\n - ${{ gift.amount_used }}\n
\n\n Total:\n USD ${{ checkout.payment_due | monetize }}\n
\n\n Membership:\n ${{\n (plan.checkout_billing_option.price_cents / 100) | monetize\n }}\n / {{ plan.checkout_billing_option.cycle }}\n
\n\n {{ mess }}\n
\n\n Sorry, we were unable to get shipping rates. This may be because we\n cannot ship items in the cart to the address given. Please contact\n customer service. Thank you.\n